Rental Application

Household Information

Are you a student?

Current Residence

Prior Residence

Employment Information

Background Information

If any of the following are not answered truthfully, this application is subject to immediate rejection.

Have you ever been evicted?
Have you ever foreclosed on a property?
In the last year, have any of your rent or loan payments been more than 14 days late?
Have you ever filed bankruptcy?
Have you ever been arrested or convicted for anything other than a traffic offense?
In the last year, have three or more of your rent or loan payments been more than five days late?

Pet Information

Applicant hereby authorizes verification of any items set forth on this application, including the release of information regarding employment, income, and rental history. Applicant consents to the verification of credit and criminal history. Freedom Village Apartments may obtain information regarding applicant's income, assets, expenses, and household status for purposes of determining eligibility for Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program - Section 42. All such information herein and released as authorized above will be kept confidential.

APPLICANT REPRESENTS THAT THE INFORMATION SET FORTH ON THIS APPLICATION IS TRUE AND COMPLETE. Material misstatements or misrepresentations on this application will constitute a default under the lease or rental agreement between the parties.

Incomplete application may result in delayed processing or approval. You may be asked to resubmit the application if not completely filled out.

Upon signing approval of your application, in order to sign a lease you must bring your driver's license, student ID (if applicable), processing fee payment and security deposit payment.

Signature(s) below grant Owner or its Agent the right to use any history of applicant(s), history of any housing situation, and whatever credit reporting bureaus, law enforcement agencies, website, or other sources the Owner and its Agent deems necessary in determining approval or disapproval of this Application.

*Typing your name here constitutes a digital signature and agreement terms listed above.